Gambling Games
The Dice
For all of our gambling games and other mini-games, we will be using the /dice or /random in-game commands in the chat designated by the person running the game.
This will yield a random number between 0 and 999.
For simplicity, we will be using the following conversion for most games:
0-99 = 0
100-199 = 1
200-299 = 2
300-399 = 3
400-499 = 4
500-499 = 5
600-699 = 6
700-799 = 7
800-899 = 8
900-999 = 9
★ Single player games★
Golden whisker
A lucky game with the /dice command. The player trades the host the amount they want to bet, chooses a digit (0-9), and then rolls once. The prize will vary depending on the number of matching digits:
1 matching digit = 2x the amount wagered
2 matching digits = 3x the amount wagered
3 matching digits = 10x the amount wagered
Example: You choose 3 as the digit and then roll. 793, 394, or 832 would be a winning roll, but 459 would not.
Number of Players: 1
Minimum Bet: 50k
Maximum Bet: 1 mil
Kitsune Bakuchi
A game from the Far-East in which a player tries to roll three dice with the same number on them.
If the player succeeds, they win 35x the amount wagered.
Number of Players: 1
Minimum Bet: 50k
Maximum Bet: 500k
Fat cat
A classic game played with the /dice command. The player trades the host the amount they want to bet and then they roll once. The prize will vary depending on the amount rolled:
666+ = 2x the amount wagered
950+ = 3x the amount wagered
999+ = 10x the amount wagered
Number of Players: 1
Minimum Bet: 50k
Maximum Bet: 1 mil
★ Multiplayer games★
The game consists of two rounds, with the second round having the turn order reversed.
All participating players agree on how much they will bet and then each participant trades that amount to the host.
Each turn, a player repeatedly rolls a die until either a 0 is rolled or the player decides to "hold":
If the player rolls a 0, they score nothing and it becomes the next player's turn.
If the player rolls any other number, it is added to their turn total and the player's turn continues.
If a player chooses to "hold", their turn total is added to their score, and it becomes the next player's turn.
At the end of round 2, the player with the highest score wins 95% of the cash pool. In the case of a tie between two or more players, the prize is split between them.
Number of Players: 2-8
Minimum Bet: 50k
Maximum Bet: None
The game consists of one round. The turn order is decided by a roll made by the host. If they roll above 500, the turn order is from left -> right or clockwise, otherwise it's from right -> left or counter-clockwise.
All participating players agree on how much they will bet and then each participant trades that amount to the host.
Each turn, a player can roll a die or they can decide to "hold":
If the player decides to roll, the amount is added to their turn total and the player's turn continues.
If at any moment, the player's total score goes above 15, their bomb explodes and they automatically lose.
If a player chooses to "hold", their turn total is added to their score, and it becomes the next player's turn.
At the end of the round, the player with the highest score wins 95% of the cash pool. In the case of a tie between two or more players, the prize is split between them.
Number of Players: 2-8
Minimum Bet: 50k
Maximum Bet: None